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Dont come to
1593 Central Ave, Colonie
we aren't open!!
Maybe one day we will reopen somewhere, but that day is not today! goodbye! stay safe out there you fucking weirdos!
This is a bone-a-fide rainbow discovered at Dejavu I have photographic evidence of its existence this photo right here IS THAT evidence.
The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow leads here. Are the leprechauns trying to tell you something? At Dejavu lick the rainbow. experience the rainbow. be the rainbow. be the experience of the rainbow.
The immortal hermit sage Liu Haichan carried square-holed cash coins and a three legged 'toad in the moon" some of our mortal friends call this guy "money frog" its really up to you. You can tell your science person I said that Toads and Frogs are basically the same thing so stop worrying so much science guys.
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