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Incense, Oils, Candles and Sage
New Incense Holder holds the record in excellence it also holds incense.
This Frog Needs A Home!
What is that Aroma? People will be asking you this when you smell like Deja vu! Lots of incense sticks from Gonesh, Satya, HEM. We've got Oils and Candles, Aromar and Sage. Mysterious cone incense that burns downward somehow? Like I said its mysterious
Waterfalls of smoke cascade from rainbow cones Best purchase ever
These Stylish statues use incense cones that produce downward flowing smoke through unknown means. If you know these means-- please, let us know!!!
pictured above is a two piece incense burner with other worldly smokefalling action. the buddha appears to be levitating but it may not actually be floating. I just don't know!!!!
Below this text lamps await!!!
I didn't know where else to put them!!!!
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